At first glance, nutrition seems simple: eat less sugar and more fruit and vegetables! So why bother seeing a registered dietitian?
The fact is, eating well is easier said than done. We are constantly bombarded with sensationalized nutrition headlines and fad diets, both in the news and on social media, and dietary recommendations can often be contradictory and confusing. Fortunately, a registered dietitian can help cut through the noise and partner with you to build a sustainable and long-term nutrition plan.
Registered dietitians (or RDs) are regulated in the province by the College of Dietitians of Ontario. To become licensed, RDs must complete a four-year degree program at an accredited university, followed by extensive, supervised, practical training at a hospital or other health facility, which usually lasts 8 to 10 months. Additionally, many RDs pursue graduate degrees and participate in research and development public health initiatives. To stay licensed, RDs must commit to ongoing learning and professional development, staying on top of the latest research, so they can provide recommendations grounded in the best available science.
When people think of seeing a dietitian, they might think of weight loss or management of diabetes but in reality, dietitians are involved in every corner of healthcare. Nutrition plays a crucial role in the prevention and management of virtually all chronic disease, but it’s also critical in building health and wellness. Dietitians can help with any of the following, and more:
- Digestive issues
- Eating disorders
- Weight management (weight loss or weight gain)
- Improved performance in sports
- Better mood and focus
- Building a healthy relationship to food
- Ongoing fatigue
- Frequent illness and immune health
- Hormone issues
- Constant hunger or lack of appetite
- Food allergies or intolerances and celiac disease
- Autoimmune diseases
- Meal planning, shopping and food preparation
- Abnormal bloodwork
First, an RD will go through an assessment with you, to learn all about your health history, wellness goals and food preferences, as well as your current eating, sleeping and exercise habits. Often, your RD will request that you keep a food journal for a few days, to get the best possible sense of where you’re at with your nutrition. Then, taking into consideration your food preferences, schedule and unique needs, an RD will work with you to set manageable nutrition and lifestyle goals, while avoiding any overwhelm.
During follow-up visits, RDs focus on monitoring your progress, adjusting your goals, providing further meal ideas and discussing any further steps to help build better health.
The most important part of an RD’s job is to provide support, motivation, guidance and accountability. Making any lasting lifestyle change is challenging, and progress is rarely, if ever, linear. An RD works as your coach, providing encouragement when things get difficult and coming up with creative solutions to any problems you encounter along the way. Dietitians aren’t the food police, and they won’t force you to eat kale (unless you like it)! Instead, we provide solutions like meal plans, recipes, grocery lists and recommendations that are tailored to your lifestyle and preferences, bringing sustainable changes within reach.
Dietitians are covered by many extended health coverage plans, and there is no referral needed to work with an RD.
So why not book an appointment and see how an RD can help you achieve your health goals?