Is your low back bothering you?
By: Dr. Joseph Csumrik
Monday morning arrived and so too did several new patients at The Clinic; the main complaint was new-onset (acute) low back pain. This reportedly started after busy weekends full of outdoor activities/chores including combinations of yard clean-up and/or lifting and carrying outdoor furniture.
Knowing this, let’s take a moment to discuss low back pain in some more detail.

Low back pain is extremely common. You mean I’m not the only one – fewf!
It’s so common in fact that nearly all of us can expect to get it, at some point in our lives (and not just from raking leaves or lifting furniture). In Canada, it’s estimated that upwards of 85% of the working-age population can expect to get low back pain in their lifetime. Moreover, low back pain is now considered the leading cause of disability worldwide. Research even suggests that this global problem is actually getting worse.
Most low back pain is non-specific. Wait! What?
According to the Lancet (a leading medical journal), low back pain is a symptom, not a disease (cancer, for example, is a disease) and is defined generally by its location – pain experienced between the ribs and the buttocks. It can, at times, include pain in to one or both legs. Low back pain can have many causes; however, the most common form is termed non-specific. That’s because, for the most part, the exact cause of pain can’t be easily identified.
It has been our experience at The Clinic that the discs (round cartilage shock-absorbers found between each vertebrae) and facet joints (fluid-filled joints connecting adjacent vertebrae) in the low back are often (but not always) the main sources of pain for patients presenting with ‘non-specific’ low back pain.
Acute (recent) non-specific low back pain is characterized primarily by moderate to severe pain, which interferes with daily functioning. Bending, twisting and lifting often become extremely difficult due to pain; even walking can at times be a struggle. Non-specific low back pain can be triggered by doing something physical (e.g., awkward lifting, hours of raking) – like Tuesday’s new patients for example. But for some, there might not be any trigger at all – it just happens. Regardless, pain is most commonly noticed in the morning, upon waking – trying to get out of bed is often the first (and immediate) sign that something’s wrong. Good luck putting on your socks!
Most patients with non-specific low back pain will recover. You mean I’ll likely get better – that’s great!
The prognosis for recovery (or how things will go/play out) of non-specific low back pain is quite good, with most patients experiencing improvement (reduced pain and improved mobility) within days to several weeks. There are however factors that, if identified, can delay recovery and these should be discussed with a qualified health professional prior to beginning treatment.
Here’s what you can expect at The Clinic. You mean I can get help?
First things first, it’s important to see a health professional that can properly diagnose your low back pain prior to receiving any treatment. But “Why?” you ask. Because, not all low back pain is non-specific. Truthfully there are other rare but serious causes for low back pain that need to be ruled out first by a properly trained health professional.
At your initial visit at The Clinic, you can expect your health professional to take a thorough history of events (to find out what happened) and perform a comprehensive physical examination (including range of motion, functional and neurological testing); your health professional will then discuss your diagnosis and outline a treatment plan tailored specifically to you and your condition (including discussing any identified factors that might affect/delay recovery). Proper communication is very important to us (it’s vital actually) – we ensure our patients are fully informed about their diagnosis and all available treatment options. No ifs ands or buts!
So, if you’ve got low back pain or just have questions about low back pain, we’ve got someone here to help. Go ahead and book an appointment with The Clinic Health Group today and Return to What Moves You!