Orthotics in Toronto

Custom Orthotics For Ultimate Relief

You might have heard about custom orthotics but are unsure what they really are? Well, you are not alone.  There are a lot of different types of orthotics in the marketplace.  For instance, you have the classic Dr. Scholl’s orthotic that is an off-the-shelf product that you can pick up at your local grocery store or pharmacy.  This type of orthotic is chosen based on shoe size and problem (i.e., heel pain).  Then you have the Kiosk orthotics that are sold in a pharmacy or big box stores, whereby you stand on a platform and a scan is made of your feet.  A particular orthotic is then recommended for you based on the scan and your shoe size.  Finally, you have custom orthotics. 

It starts with a prescription then a consult

Custom orthotics involve a prescription from a Family physician or a Sports Medicine Physician and then an examination by a healthcare professional such as a chiropractor or physiotherapist.  This entails a thorough health history, that includes your height, weight, activities of daily living and medical history of injuries.  A physical examination will also be completed that focuses on your back and lower limbs including your feet to determine the best materials and level of rigidity/flexibility the orthotic will be made from to be specific to your feet.  Finally, the mold of your feet will be taken.

What are the benefits of custom orthotics?

  • Preventing or correcting foot deformities (i.e., bunions, hammer toes)
  • Supporting the low back and lower limb joints
  • Improving the function of the foot or ankle

Who would benefit from custom orthotics?

  • Individuals who are standing/walking most of their day
  • Athletes who require support for both their feet and lower limb joints
  • Diabetic patients
  • Arthritic individuals
  • Runner’s knee
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Morton neuroma
  • Flat footed individuals
  • Rigid footed individuals
  • Bunions/calluses
  • Neuropathic ulcers

Custom orthotics generally cost more than your off-the-shelf or Kiosk orthotics.  However, they are well worth the cost as they are molded to fit your individual feet as they are constructed based on a healthcare professionals thorough assessment.  As well, most private insurance companies cover most, if not all, the cost of custom orthotics.  So, if you are suffering from sore feet or lower limb pain, it might be time to invest in custom orthotics.