Pregnancy and diet

5 Ways To Deal With Digestive Issues During Pregnancy

Have you been experiencing constipation, nausea, or heartburn since becoming pregnant? 

That is a normal experience as digestive issues are very common during pregnancy. Thankfully, there are ways to mitigate an upset digestive system. Here are 5 go to tips to help with your new symptoms: 

1. Eat smaller, more frequent meals 

Instead of eating three big meals a day, try eating smaller amounts frequently. This can help prevent you from being overly full at each meal, which can exacerbate nausea.

2. Prioritize movement

Movement is important during pregnancy for many reasons, but it can also be really helpful in managing constipation. Doing a couple of brisk walks a day, even for just 20 minutes or so can help improve your digestion.

3. Focus on fiber-rich foods

It’s okay to eat refined carbohydrates such as crackers, white bread, and pasta in moderation during pregnancy, but they are quite low in dietary fiber and can make constipation worse. Try including fiber-rich sources of carbohydrates such as oats, quinoa, whole grain crackers, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and fresh fruit instead. 

4. Swap leafy greens for root vegetables

During pregnancy, leafy greens and raw vegetables are no longer appealing due to nausea and food aversions. Instead, opt for root vegetables, as these are generally easier to tolerate when nauseous. 

6. Slow down at meal time 

Slowing down at meals and thoroughly chewing your food can help your food digest more efficiently. 

Experiencing digestive issues or other pregnancy concerns? Book a complimentary session with one of our dietitians or Naturopathic doctors at The Clinic.